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A Study Of American Chocolates

A Study Of American Chocolates

Trio of desserts: Peanut Butter Cups, Rocky Road Pots de Crème, and
Nougat & Peanut Caramel Tourine (aka, Snickers Candy Bar)

Category: Desserts and Dessert Sauces

Serving Size: 6

Peanut Butter Cups

Trio of desserts: Peanut Butter Cups, Rocky Road Pots de Crème, and
Nougat & Peanut Caramel Tourine (aka, Snickers Candy Bar)


  • Graham cracker crumbs 1/3 cup
  • Powered sugar 3/4 cup
  • Peanut butter 3/4 cup
  • Combine all ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth. Reserve.

Special Equipment:

Special equipment (filler)
• A heavy 12-inch skillet or heavy 12-inch saucepan
• A pair of tongs
• A platter
• A mesh strainer


Melt 1 LB. of any milk chocolate in a bowl over simmering water. Let melted chocolate cool slightly (approx. 20 minutes). Pour small amount into aluminum cupcake wrappers. Rotate the wrappers and chocolate to form a rim about half way up the sides with enough to also cover the bottoms. Refrigerate until chocolate is firm and place approximately one rounded tablespoon of filling on top of chocolate in foil wrapper. Smooth the tops of filling until flat and level is below the chocolate rim. Pipe or spoon remaining melted chocolate to cover filling and tap gently to even top layer of chocolate. Refrigerate until completely cool. Makes about 12 peanut butter cups.

Rocky Road Pots De Creme


  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 eggs whole
  • 12 ounces chocolate
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup marshmallow pieces
  • 1/2 cup pecan pieces


Cut marshmallows into small pieces and reserve. Combine cream, milk and vanilla in a sauce pan and bring mixture to a simmer. Whisk eggs and yolks in a stainless steel bowl until well blended. Pour about one third of hot cream mixture over egg mixture and whisk until well blended. Return this mixture into the remaining hot cream and stir until mixed well. Stirring constantly, cook until mixture begins to thicken slightly over low heat (do not boil) approximately 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and whisk in chocolate. Stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is well blended. Let mixture cool about 30 minutes and fold in pecans and marshmallow pieces. Spoon or pour into individual serving dishes and cool until set.

Nougat & Peanut Caramel Terrine


  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 Egg whites
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter


Line 2 medium sized loaf pans with parchment paper large enough to overhang a few inches on each side and spray generously with pan spray.

In a small sauce pan combine corn syrup, sugar and water over medium high heat. Stir mixture until sugar dissolves. Continue cooking mixture until it reaches a temperature of 260 degrees F with a candy thermometer.

When sugar mixture reaches 260 degrees beat egg whites with a pinch of salt to stiff peaks.

Once sugar mixture reaches 270 degrees F remove from heat and pour small amount slowly down the side of mixing bowl with egg whites avoiding the whisk on high speed.

Let completely incorporate before adding more hot syrup, Repeat until you have added all of syrup. Continue to mix until nougat starts to pull away from sides of bowl. Remove the whisk attachment and fold in peanut butter with an oiled spoon or rubber spatula.

Turn nougat into prepared loaf pans and spread or pat down evenly. Let nougat cool uncovered while you make the caramel.



  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups roasted peanuts
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


Combine sugar, cream, salt and butter in a heavy bottomed sauce pot with a candy thermometer. Over medium high heat and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Bring mixture to a boil swirling pan occasionally (don’t stir). Cook until mixture reaches 245 degrees F.

Remove pan from heat and sir in vanilla and peanuts. Pour caramel mixture over nougat in loaf pans and spread evenly.

Let terrines cool until caramel is no longer warm to the touch and is slightly opaque (about 1 hour). Remove from loaf pans and discard parchment paper and place on parchment lined baking sheet and refrigerate until caramel is cooled an gives slightly when pressed.

Melt 1 pound milk chocolate in a bowl over simmering water and stir until smooth. Spread chocolate onto of the caramel side of terrine and allow to cool until set. When chocolate is set turn terrine over on to parchment paper. Ladle or pour remaining melted chocolate over inverted terrines to cover completely. Allow chocolate to set and slice terrines into 1/2 inch slices.

Cooking Measurements

1 cup = 250 ml = 16 Tablespoons

1/2 cup = 125 ml = 8 Tablespoons

1/3 cup = 83 ml = 5.3 Tablespoons

1/4 cup = 62 ml = 4 Tablespoons

1 Pinch = 1/8 Teaspoon

" Ralph Brennan and family receive 'Silver Spoon' award from Food Arts Magazine "

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